Ryan Jakiri from the Philippines took on local boy Azwan Che in the opening bout of the evening. Azwan started off well but Ryan was easy to adapt to his style and score high in the final 2 rounds taking the win.


The second fight of the evening saw Izham red Army from Malaysia go head to head with Saentanong from the motherland of the sport, Thailand. Saentanong quickly took lead in this bout displaying great counters to the Malaysians leg kicks and going home victorious.


The third fight of the evening was between Nur Humam fighting out of Indonesia and Shinnosuke Nakaruma from Japan. The first round began Thai style with both athletes feeling each other out then picked up pace in the second with Shinnosuke executing counter low kicks followed by body shots and securing his victory.


Kai Chai from Singapore vs Solbin Lee from South Korea was the fourth bout of the evening and began with an explosive start with the Korean athlete throwing combos followed by low kicks. The speed of the Solbin was too much for Kai Chai bringing the win for the Korean.


The fifth fight of the evening saw Wynn Neo from Singapore go to war with Junaris Sianturi from Indonesia. The Indonesian athlete came out punching and threw some amazing acrobatic kicks, impressing the crowd but Wynn quickly closed the distance and used his clinching to take the win via knees.


Next up was an epic battle between Vo Van Dai from Vietnam and Mohd Fazzatkie from Malaysia with Vo Van Dai the older more well know athlete been the favourite to win. Mohd however turned out to be a sleeping giant with well timed counters and an amazing arsenal of unorthodox moves taking the win. This was deemed by many as the fight of the evening and everyone is looking forward to see the future of this young prodigy.


Fight 7 of the evening between Ariel Lee Lampacan from the Philippines and Wacharin Inta from Thailand was probably the closest fight of the evening. The pair were like mirror images of each other during the first couple of rounds displaying beautiful techniques. When it went to the judges scorecards however it was Wacharin that just edged it returning home with a shiny medal.


As expected bout 8 was a war from the first bell between Nguyen Tran Nhat from Vietnam and Zhaozhanshi from China. Both athletes looked absolutely shredded as they entered the ring and wasted no time diving straight in and exchanging blows. When the final bell sounded it was the athlete from Vietnam who took the win with cheers from his corner.


Fight 9 between Liu Tianjun from China and Mansurbek Tolipov from Uzbekistan was up next and started off very fast pace with the Chinese athlete throwing many shots. Mansurbek remained cool and composed countering wisely and landed some heavy kicks. Liu was no match for the boy from Uzbekistan enabling Mansurbek to go home with a smile on his face.


The penultimate and co main event of the evening was between Mohd Ali Yakuub from Malaysia and Deok Jae Yoon from Korea with Ali the favourite to win by many due to his many years of experience in the ring. This stadium was filled with cheers throughout this epic duel which saw both athletes head to head up until the final bell. For Deok Jae Yoon the hard work paid off as in the end as he was able to beat the local hero silencing the crowd.


The final and most anticipated fight of the evening between Bardon Ng from Singapore and Mohd Amirul Ariffin was one to remember. Very quickly into the brawl Bardon was able to figure out the distance and control his opponent earning him a win and a new fanbase.