IFMA’s President and WMC General Secretary will head the 2012 European Instructors Workshop

This year Germany is the host country for the 2012 WMC and IFMA joint Khan workshop, organised by the Muaythai Bund Deutschland and Ajarn Detlef Turmau. The five day workshop will be chaired by IFMA’s President and the WMC General Secretary, Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan. Participants are looking forward to this Khan 10 through 13 […]
First Khan Seminar in Poland a Success! (17th April 2011)

Poland’s first Khan Seminar was successfully concluded on the 17th of April. The program was divided into two sessions. The first session focussed on theoretical and practical training, with degrees from the first to the sixth grade Khan, which teaches typical Muaythai techniques i.e. (moving to position, hit, attack, elbows, knees, wrestling in the clinch). […]
Instructor Seminar & Implementation of Khan Degree Programme in Hungary

Muaythai Instructor Seminar & Implementation of Khan Degree Program in Hungary Saturday 30th January 2011 in Hungary saw a half-day seminar held for trainers which covered various topics, such as sports nutrition, insurance policies for boxers and sports clubs in the field of martial arts, new methods for endurance training and workouts as well as […]