Age Does Not Matter

Ping Ki Wong is one of the top technical officials of IFMA but also a stern supporter of the IFMA and WMC ‘Sport is your Gang’ and ‘Muaythai Against Drugs (MAD)’ campaign. 52 years young, he decided to raise money for charity and fought for the prestigious WMC MaD Belt in a special match verses […]
Legendary Muaythai Action in Hong Kong

Hong Kong – The One Legend, Hong Kong’s premier, first class muaythai promotion brought to you by Eldy Chan, President of the Hong Kong Muaythai Association is ready to rock Hong Kong’s KITEC arena on the 24th June.
The Youth are Our Future

The World Muaythai Council and the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur have been involved in two charity projects since their inauguration. “Muaythai Against Drugs” is established in over 50 countries and promotes awareness of the dangers of drugs and the fostering of positive influences in the lives of youth today. In cooperation with Peace and Sport […]
South African Muaythai – Happy Mandela Day

Happy Mandela Day to you all! We would like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Nelson Madiba Mandela a warm and wonderful birthday from the Muaythai world. To celebrate this special day, Dragon Power Muaythai & Fitness Centre is hosting the 67 minute “KICK THE HABIT” Muaythai Challenge. Three of their Muaythai Against Drugs Foundation (MAD) champions will […]
HE General Pichitr Kullavanijaya, Privy Councillor to HM the King, turns 80

His Excellency General Pichitr Kullavanijaya is one of the most highly respected people in the Kingdom of Thailand, a man who has dedicated his life to the country and to the soul of Muaythai. An accomplished individual, his education has spanned continents, beginning at U.S. Military Academy (West Point), U.S.A. (1958), and continuing with Army […]
Muaythai’s Legendary Success in South Africa

Another sold out electrifying Legendary Muaythai Fight Night by Dragon Power Promotions. The fights were fast and action packed, with 7 UMF Muaythai Fights on the bill, with 5 provinces entering the SA Muaythai Championships. The World No.1 Ubuntu BBoys a jaw dropping performance followed by Sifu Kru Quentin ‘Dragon’ Chong giving a short thank […]
Xplosion @ the O2

London’s prime arena the O2 which hosted some of the world’s best events will host a truly premier muaythai event on Saturday 7th of July sanctioned by the UKMF and world governing body for the sport the WMC. The main under card event will see 2 of England’s best and there can be only one, […]
Legendary Fight Night – South Africa

The Exclusive ‘Legendary Fight Night’ Main bout in South Africa 2 x SA champion in two weight divisions, represented South Africa at the IFMA world Champs in 2010 and 2011, International WMC ‘Muaythai Against Drugs’ Champion Jarred ‘Rothweiler’ Rothwell from Cape Town vs 2010 SA under 71Kg Muaythai Champion Ceeh ‘Croco Croco’ Khuboni from Durban. […]
Polish Muaythai League a Success!!!

15th of October in Kalisz, Poland saw the success of one of the events in the Polish Muaythai League series. The next edition of the series will be held on the 5th of November in Blaszki. The Polish Muaythai Federation hope to secure its elite athletes for future international events through this best of the […]
MPL Stars & Stripes – Results

Forty of the world’s best male and female athletes have started their road to the World Muaythai Council (WMC) World Title and MPL Championship in an exciting league format. The first event was staged on the 2nd of September in Los Angeles, USA, and from now on every month the athletes will be moving to […]