Asia Fighting Championship have touched the lives of the underprivileged youth of Malaysia by donating the gloves from their recent show last month in the countries capital. The show which was a roaring success won the hearts of many by delivering the gloves which were worn by some of their heroes in the ring to a social project named Discover Muaythai.


The project aims at improving livlihoods by unearthing the true potential of underprivileged youths who are mostly homeless, school dropouts or plagued by poverty. Participants undergo an intensitive array of activities including core life skills of which muaythai is included at the Dragon Muaythai Club, ensuring that youths are able to channel any deep‐rooted aggression or negative energy into more positive and practical endeavours.


The gloves will be put to great use as the youths are put through their paces using muaythai which will instill important values such as discipline, patience and respect which are all key skills to help them re-enter back into society.


AFC Promoter Sasidharan Unnithan stated that the aim of our promotion is not just to put on a one off event as we visit each city but to leave behind a lasting legacy. The youth are our future and we must inspire from the grass roots level up. If we can leave a positive footprint in each city we visit for us that is just as important as the show itself.