IFMA World conference 2021 was held in Bangkok as a hybrid event. There were many important points on the agenda including IFMA’s restructuring in the leadership.

Important signings took place. One of them being the European Championships which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. The MoU was signed by the IFMA President Dr. Tapsuwan, Turkish Muaythai President Hasan Yildiz, witnessed by Her Excellency the Turkish Ambassador and IFMA Director General Charissa Tynan.

The IFMA Senior World Championships will be held in Abu Dhabi. The signing took place with the representative of the Embassy and the CEO of UAE Muaythai Federation Tareq Almhairi, IFMA President Dr. Tapsuwan and Director General Charissa Tynan.

IFMA Youth World Championships 2022 will be in Malaysia. The MoU was signed by a representative from the Embassy, Dato Shahnaz Azmi, President Dr. Tapsuwn and Director General Charissa Tynan.

Many other important presentations took place including the World Games 2022, with World Games President Jose Perurena and the entire World Games team sending words of encouragement to the IFMA members. The next round of qualifications was also announced.

Major events in 2022 presentation on the Sea Games in Hanoi, Vietnam in May.

The presentation of European Olympic Games 2023. The President of the
Olympic committee of Poland addressed the General Assembly together with the Vice President of IFMA Rafal Szlachta from Poland.

The University World Cup held in Ekaterinburg, Russia with a presentation from FISU and President of the Russian Muaythai Federation Dmitry Putilin addressed the General Assembly.

Many other agenda points were mentioned, one confirming IFMA’s anti-doping programme another Lerina Bright from Mission 89 addressed IFMA congratulating them on their child safeguarding programme.

The next IFMA Annual General Meeting will be in held in Abu Dhabi, June 2022.

Many other important presentations took place including the World Games 2022, with World Games President Jose Perurena and the entire World Games team sending words of encouragement to the IFMA members. The next round of qualifications was also announced.

Major events in 2022 presentation on the Sea Games in Hanoi, Vietnam in May.

The presentation of European Olympic Games 2023. The President of the
Olympic committee of Poland addressed the General Assembly together with the Vice President of IFMA Rafal Szlachta from Poland.

The University World Cup held in Ekaterinburg, Russia with a presentation from FISU and President of the Russian Muaythai Federation Dmitry Putilin addressed the General Assembly.

Many other agenda points were mentioned, one confirming IFMA’s anti-doping programme another Lerina Bright from Mission 89 addressed IFMA congratulating them on their child safeguarding programme.

The next IFMA Annual General Meeting will be in held in Abu Dhabi, June 2022.