The Chinese Taipei Muaythai Association had a busy weekend as they hosted an online khan seminar in conjunction with the IFMA International office. Forty participants were in attendance of the seminar which was led by Muaythai Grand Masters Ajarn Chao and Khru Id, broadcast from the IFMA studio in Bangkok.

The seminar was opened by IFMA director Charissa Tynan who welcomed everyone to the seminar and congratulated the President on organising the event.

Following the Director, IFMA General Secretary Stephan Fox delivered a succinct presentation on the history of IFMA leading up to the present day and all future plans.

Chair of the Athlete’s Commision Janice Lyn then covered all aspects of nutrition for athletes before handing the floor over to the two grand masters.

The participants were taken through all the practical parts of the higher khan syllabus covering all required moves before working on some advanced clinch and defence techniques.

President of the Chinese Taipei Muaythai Association En-Huang Chang stated that the world has been temporarily crippled by the Covid 19 Pandemic but we must continue to fight. Now with the development of technology we are still able to continue our studies from the homeland of the sport Thailand but from the safety of our homes.