Dublin Yokkao

For the first time in YOKKAO history, they are bringing their signature official event to the Land of Eire! After months in planning, the inaugural YOKKAO Ireland event has been confirmed for the 27th July in the Irish capital of Dublin.

Organised in partnership with YOKKAO UK promoter, Brian Calder and renowned Irish fight coach, Collie Mahon, YOKKAO 41 – 42 will feature the region’s best and up-and-coming fighters. Fans can expect to catch regulars from the YOKKAO UK shows including Ireland’s very own knockout specialist, Craig Coakley in action.

With YOKKAO 39 – 40 set to take place in Sydney, Australia and YOKKAO 41 – 42 in Dublin, their international reach is expanding with more events around the world. These events come as part of their initiatives to drive the sport of Muay Thai regionally and globally.

YOKKAO 41 – 42 will be held at the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. Doors to the event will open at 13:00 and the show will kick off at 14:00.

Look out for some very exciting updates heading this way along with more details on the lineup.  Tickets are now on sale at https://www.yokkao.com/events/yokkao-41-42-dublin/