
The December 5th event in memorandum of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej was a very emotional event with a special stadium built in an amazing setting outside the famous Lumphinee Park in Bangkok. It was a beautiful evening with the VIP section packed with dignities from around the world with the special trophy which was donated by the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.


The super 4 male line up included Jarred Rothwell (South Africa), Michalis Manoli (Cyprus) Penyai Petsimoen (Thailand) and Pascal Schroth (Germany), with the first match between South Africa’s Jarred and Germany’s Pascal. A great display by two amazing athletes and warriors with Pascal from Germany taking a point decision and Jarred from South Africa receiving a standing ovation leaving the field of play.

The second semi-final was between Penyai from Thailand and Michalis from Cyprus in which Thailand thought this would be an easy match but Muaythai which has become a truly international sport showcased once more the strength of so many of the 130 member countries. The Cyprus athlete went toe to toe with the Thai superstar and he had to dig deep into his reserves to win the fight in the last round bruised and battled.


The final was setup between Pascal from Germany and Penyai from Thailand and the German with the precision of a surgeon worked on the injuries the Thai received in his tough battle with Cyprus and with great strategy winning the fight and making history in Thailand, writing his name in stone.

Pascal from Germany stated after the fight that this is his biggest victory to date and it was an honour to be selected for this historical event and as a foreigner to beat the local superstar and receiving his Majesties trophy is the highlight of his career so far.
