IFMA has joined up with anti-trafficking charity Mission 89 and GoodCorporation alongside other leading sports organisations such as FIFA, to commit to the fight against child trafficking in sport, by supporting the principles outlined in the Framework on Safeguarding Children from Trafficking in sport.

The Framework draws on best practice models from international organisations such as UNICEF, FIFA and StreetFootballWorld. Practices and procedures that should be followed to manage the safe recruitment of child athletes from around the globe are outlined in this framework. Organisations can use it as a self-assessment tool or as the basis for an external review conducted by GoodCorporation and Mission 89. Following the framework both raises awareness of these issues and highlights the accountability of stakeholders for the protection of child athletes.

Commenting on the launch of the framework Baroness Lola Young, OBE said, “Human trafficking is a scourge on modern society affecting almost every business sector, in almost every country. On this, the United Nations’ World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, I welcome the launch of this initiative and support its aims to tackle the real and growing problem of chid trafficking for sport.”

Muaythai Pilot

The framework is currently being piloted by the International Federations of Muaythai Associations an IOC recognised organisation.

Commenting on the framework, Stephan Fox, Secretary General of the International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA) and President of the Alliance of Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS) said, “The trafficking of children and talented young athletes in the name of sport is an abomination. At IFMA we take our child protection and safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. We recognise our duty, or rather our responsibility, to ensure that all our Nak Muays (athletes) are properly protected.

“We have clear safeguarding policies and procedures in place to ensure an equal protection over all our stakeholders with no discrimination or separation in terms of race, religion, ability, sexual orientation or others. We are one family. Following the principles of this framework will enable us to further ensure the highest standards of practice are in place and to take a lead in this important area for all sports.”

Commenting on the launch of the framework, Lerina Bright, director of Mission 89 said, “Sports organisations are increasingly aware of the dangers of child trafficking. This framework has been developed to enable clubs, federations and sports governing bodies to take proactive steps to mitigate the chance of young athletes being recruited into their sport through child trafficking. It has been well received by leading international sports organisations and we are confident that it will become a vital tool in the prevention of child trafficking in sport”.

Read the full Press Release Here: