Monte Carlo – One of the most historic and iconic venues of Monaco, the Monte Carlo Casino hosted the press conference for the Monte-Carlo Fighting Masters 2014, a gala event to be remembered with 7 WMC World Title fights on the stacked card and under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.The Baroness Cecile De Massy opened the press conference by welcoming all the fighters whom travelled to Monaco to be part of this historic event and wished them luck and success in the upcoming competition.

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MFM promoter Claude Pouget stated that the event would not be just another fight night, but a truly historical occasion  as not only has HSH bestowed his royal patronage to the event, but HSH Prince Albert II would be gracing the actual event with his presence!

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Joel Bouzou, President of the Peace & Sport Organisation, which is also under the High Patronage of HSH greeted the press and athletes and expressed his excitement that such an event was taking place and stressed how important it was for all stakeholders within sports federations to actively use sport as a tool for positive change and that sport can make a difference.

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Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan on behalf of the President General Chetta Thanajaro thanked the Baroness, Mr. Pouget and Peace & Sport for organising what was shaping up to be an incredible event.

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Stephan Fox also conveyed his thanks to all organisers and noted the great importance of the partnership of the WMC/IFMA with Peace & Sport and how it has led to some truly effective results in the Sport is Your Gang initiative for which they received this year’s Spirit of Sport award from SportAccord.  He then thanked all the athletes and wished them the best for the fights ahead.

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At the end of the Press Conference, special gifts were presented to the Baroness and Mr. Pouget on behalf of H.E. General Pichitr Kullkavanijaya, privy councillor to HM the King of Thailand and Honourary President of the WMC.

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