Peace, Sport and Friendship through Muaythai
Sport, of any kind, has the power to unite and bring together cultures and people from all parts of the globe. Sport thrives in the spirit of fair play, ethical behaviour and brings out grace in both winning and losing. It is also a valuable opportunity to exchange cultures between all participating countries.
Muaythai is a sport with a proud history built on ancient traditions in which respect, honour, and friendship play an important part. Athletes from 50 countries will travel to Tehran to take part in this Peace and Sport competition organised by the National Muaythai Association of Iran, in cooperation with the Federation Amateur Muaythai Asia (FAMA) and the International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA).
Besides the competition there will be an extensive cultural program and the organisers dearly hope that the event will help in promoting cultural understanding, particularly during these uncertain times.