
Sunday the 9th April in the beautiful city of Shinjuku, Tokyo saw the latest edition of ‘The battle of Muaythai’. The event which is famous for showcasing the best Muaythai athletes from around the world rammed out the stadium with over 1,500 spectators.

Aside from the exciting undercard, the main bout of the evening was for the WMC World title at Pin weight 45.35kg between Nadaka Yoshinari (Japan) and Yaksej Siriraku Muaythai Gym (Thailand).

Nadaka is a national hero in the Japanaese world of Muaythai and aside from winning many amateur titles he also competed for the WMC world title in November last year, losing in what was a close match.

Yaksej is a superstar on the Thai Muaythai circuit regularly competing at the prestigious Lumphinee and Rajadamneren stadiums.
The fight started as was to be expected from two seasoned veterans of the sport with a nice slow start just feeling each other out and getting the distance. The fight then picked up pace and as the rounds went on Nadaka landing the cleaner shots and winning the World title. This was an epic battle for the number 1 spot and the atmosphere in the stadium was electric.

Promoter Natsuo stated that this is a wonderful result for Nadaka as he has worked so hard for this. Even though he lost the title the last time he went for the belt 100%, he never gave up and is an example to all Japanese Muaythai athletes that hard work and discipline pay off.

From all at the WMC we would like to congratulate Nadaka on being the new World champion!
