Motivation Monday: Strength Training

Last week our topic was about roadwork, but what’s road-work without strength training. In order to keep your mind and body strong, it is necessary to add in some weight training into your daily or weekly exercise routine. A lot of you who exercise or are new to the fitness world feel that strength training […]

Motivation Monday: Roadwork

All hardened, veteran Muaythai fighters are well conditioned to the grind of waking up early in the morning, putting their running shoes on and jogging at least 4-5 miles everday. We all know how much help putting in the roadwork helps, so in today’s article lets go into depth in regards to the real benefits […]

Motivational Monday: Proper Nutrition

Always wondered how all the athletes like boxers, manage to look good at all times? How do they look after themselves? Truth is, there is no special or top-secret method to their success in maintaining their physical ability and perfect look. Besides all the regular hard training and high determination for their success, there is […]