As an IFMA tradition, the spirit of fair play and friendship must continue after the competition comes to an end and the Farewell Party was certainly a night of friendship.

The event was organized by the Vietnam Muaythai Federation, IFMA and supported by the National Sports Development Fund who brought all the teams, ITOs and musicians together to enjoy each other’s company and friendship.

The Chair of the Vietnam Muaythai Fedeation, Madame Le Na, opened the event showing her joy on an outstanding competition where Muaythai was one of the major sports at the 31st SEA Games.

She thanked IFMA and FAMA and the Chair of the South East Asian Muay Federation, Mr. Dato Shahnaz Azmi, for the cooperation over the weeks and the build-up to the event.

Mr. Azmi then thanked the Vietnamese Muaythai Federation, the SEA Games Organizing Committee of Vietnam, the ITOs, the Pi Muay and everyone who worked to ensure the success for the athletes.

The Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Muaythai Federation echoed the words and each ITO was given a special gift of appreciation. A special gift was also given to the Honorary President of IFMA Dr. Sakchye Tapsuwan and the IFMA Secretary General, Mr. Stephan Fox.

IFMA then thanked the Vietnam Muaythai Federation with a special gift and Mr. Fox outlined that in the spirit of Muaythai, we are one family.

A toast was then raised to say thank you to Vietnam and preparations have already begun for the 32nd SEA Games which will be held in Cambodia, who will have big shoes to fill as Vietnam was in one simple word, Outstanding.