
On Tuesday 24th January the beautiful city of Chiang Mai will host an evening of Muaythai with the USA going head to head with Thailand. The famous Kawila boxing stadium will be the venue for the competition and is looking likely to be packed with spectators as the interest from locals has been overwhelming.

The main event of the evening will see Michael Chase Corley, one of the stars from the Challenger reality show take part in a charity match after having 2 years out of the ring.

Sylvie Von Duuglas-Itti will challenge Baifern Bor. Puiboonput, the pair have met 4 times already and the score is currently an even 2-2 making this the deciding match. Due to some controversial decisions in the past both fighters are wanting to settle the score making this a highly-anticipated match.


Aside from these 2 main events there will also be 3 junior females competing alongside gold medalist Bekah Irwin.

Michael Corley stated that it is a great opportunity to bring his athletes to the motherland of the sport to train and compete. This kind of experience is second to none and win or lose all athletes will take valuable experience back home with them.


The show will begin at 8.30pm and will be aired on Channel 3