Celebrations were held in Belgium on Saturday night when a new WMC world champion was crowned as Gianny De Leu was able to beat Thailand’s own Prai Pa Yah S. Sommai.

The first round began with Prai Pa Yah easing himself into the fight with measured and relaxed shots but Gianny wanted to go to war from the first bell and began unloading a flurry of shots to the body and head resulting in a knockdown.

After that, Gianny smelt blood in the water and began to keep coming forward with more shots then again Prai Pa Yah went down for the second time. When the fight continued Gianny rushed in with a long teep knocking the Thai fighter to the ground and the referee waived off the fight.

A big congratulations to all at Gent Fight Night for putting together another world-class event and we look forward to the next one.